Value is Changing…for Nonprofits

Bill and Melinda Gates, cofounders of the world’s largest foundation, dedicated a recent annual letter to Warren Buffett. He donated the largest amount of money in the history of the Gates Foundation. In a cordial way, Buffett had asked the Gateses to describe the results of this contribution—essentially, he was asking for the value for money. For more details about the Buffett and Gates letters, click here

Chaplains in hospital settings are being asked to show the value they deliver to healthcare organizations, otherwise, they face a reduction in numbers. The United Methodist Church is stepping up to this challenge by preparing chaplains to show the value of what they do in terms that funders can understand. This often means value for money, and in some cases, the financial ROI. For more information about the relationship between The United Methodist Church and ROI Institute, click here.

A food bank in Alberta, Canada, provides counseling to help people get back on their feet. The counselor uncovers what has caused people to seek free food and tries to resolve the issue. Essentially, the purpose of this counseling is to correct the problem or situation that has led the participant to the food bank for help. For more details about this program, click here.

These, and hundreds of other examples, show what is happening in the public sector. Accountability is required in areas unaccustomed to demonstrating value beyond the activities they offer. This is caused, in part, by four major trends:

  1. Budgets are constrained, reduced, and tightly monitored, more so than any time in the past.
  2. There is more competition for funding within an organization than ever before, and the competition frequently makes a compelling case for portions of budgets other than their own.
  3. Organizations are moving from activities to results and on to fact-based outcomes, and sometimes, to the financial ROI.
  4. Donors and funders are requesting more accountability for their contributions. For government, it’s the taxpayers. For foundations, charities, and nonprofits, it’s the donors. And for businesses, it’s shareholders and top executives.

These trends are a reality for many organizations and will likely continue during the next 10 years. In fact, we anticipate they will become even more pronounced.

Special ROI Certification for Nonprofits
Learn How to Conduct an Impact and ROI Analysis

We are pleased to announce a special ROI Certification workshop for nonprofits scheduled in Nashville, Tennessee. This special certification, hosted by The United Methodist Church, will take place at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry office. This session will be held February 4-8, 2019 and is designed to show you how to calculate the impact and ROI of your projects. Upon completion of the workshop, ROI Institute will provide virtual support until you finish your project. Upon approval of your impact study and ROI project, you will be awarded the designation of Certified ROI Professional (CRP). For more information on this special certification, click here.

Although the one-page flyer provides an overview, if you need more details explaining precisely how the ROI Certification works, the different components, and the benefits of completing certification, click here.


About ROI Institute®

ROI Institute, Inc., founded in 1992 as a service-driven organization, assists professionals in improving programs and processes using the ROI Methodology® developed by Dr. Jack J. Phillips and Dr. Patti P. Phillips. This Methodology is the global leader in measurement and evaluation including the use of return on investment (ROI) in non-traditional applications. ROI Institute regularly offers workshops, provides consulting services, publishes books and case studies, and conducts research on the use of measurement and ROI. This makes ROI Institute the leading source of content, tools, and services in measurement, evaluation, and analytics. Working with more than one hundred ROI consultants, ROI Institute applies the ROI Methodology in 20 fields in over 70 countries. ROI Institute authors have written or edited over 100 books, translated into 38 languages. Organizations build internal capability with the help of ROI Institute and its ROI Certification process.  By successfully completing this process, individuals are awarded the Certified ROI Professional® (CRP) designation, which is respected by executives in organizations worldwide. For more information on ROI Institute, please contact or visit

ROI Institute®, ROI Methodology®, Certified ROI Professional® are registered to ROI Institute, Inc. USA and are used by others only with written permission of Jack and Patti Phillips.