Media Contact:
Kylie McLeod, Director of Research and Communication
ROI Institute, Inc
PO Box 380637
Birmingham, AL 35238
Office: (205) 678-8101

Press Release
Birmingham, AL

Show the Value of What You Do: Measuring and Achieving Success in Any Endeavor is Published Today

Birmingham, Alabama—September 20, 2022. ROI Institute has published its newest book, Show the Value of What You Do: Measuring and Achieving Success in Any Endeavor (Patti P. Phillips and Jack J. Phillips; Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2022). This new book presents a six-step process to measure and improve the success of any project, program, or initiative. The book shares dozens of stories illustrating how individuals have successfully shown the value of what they do and leveraged the results to enhance their careers and gain support.

“Many people want to pursue evaluation but think it is too complicated,” said Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D., Chairman of ROI Institute. “This new book presents a simple evaluation approach that, when applied routinely, will keep users focused and aware of what’s needed to make any effort successful. This book is a welcomed companion to our other publications.”

Show the Value of What You Do supports ROI Institute’s overall mission to help individuals show the value of their work. Many professionals often contact ROI Institute when they need help demonstrating the value of their projects quickly after a leader has questioned the value.

“Don’t wait for the value request for your projects. Be proactive!” said Patti P. Phillips, Ph.D., CEO of ROI Institute. “When it comes to delivering results, hope is not a strategy, luck is not a factor, doing nothing is not an option.”

With all of today’s economic uncertainties, showing the value of your significant projects is a requirement–not a luxury. This book offers strategies to help readers change how they evaluate and report results.

“Change is inevitable. Progress is optional. It’s all up to you,” added Jack J. Phillips.

“Implementing the Show the Value Process will help ensure that you keep your work relevant, your career on track, and your organization or community healthy,” noted Ann Akins, president of ROI Institute. “The process will help to allocate resources to the areas that offer the most significant value.”

Show the Value of What You Do is available through the Berrett-Koehler bookstore,, Barnes & Nobles, ROI Institute’s Books & Resources Center, and wherever books are sold. To learn how to show the value of what you do in a comprehensive one-day workshop, click here. For more information about this book, the Show the Value Process, the ROI Methodology, ROI Certification, or ROI Institute services, please contact

About ROI Institute®

ROI Institute, Inc., founded in 1992 as a service-driven organization, assists professionals in improving programs and processes using the ROI Methodology® developed by Dr. Jack J. Phillips and Dr. Patti P. Phillips. This Methodology is the global leader in measurement and evaluation, including the use of return on investment (ROI) in non-traditional applications. ROI Institute regularly offers workshops, provides consulting services, publishes books and case studies, and conducts research on the use of measurement and ROI. This makes ROI Institute the leading source of content, tools, and services in measurement, evaluation, and analytics. Working with more than one hundred ROI consultants, ROI Institute applies the ROI Methodology in 20 fields in over 70 countries. ROI Institute authors have written or edited over 100 books, translated into 38 languages. Organizations build internal capability with the help of ROI Institute and its ROI Certification process. By successfully completing this process, individuals are awarded the Certified ROI Professional® (CRP) designation, which is respected by executives in organizations worldwide. For more information on ROI Institute, please contact or visit

ROI Institute®, ROI Methodology®, Certified ROI Professional®, and ROI Certification® are registered trademarks owned by ROI Institute, Inc. and are used by others only with written permission of Jack and Patti Phillips.