Media Contact:
Hope Nicholas, Director of Publications
ROI Institute, Inc.
2803 Greystone Commercial Boulevard, Ste. 16
Birmingham, AL 35242
Office: (205) 678-8101

Press Release
Birmingham, AL

ROI Institute Releases the New Book Proving the Value of Leadership Development:
Case Studies from Top Leadership Development Programs

Birmingham, Alabama—November 13, 2023. ROI Institute has announced the publication of its newest book, Proving the Value of Leadership Development: Case Studies from Top Leadership Development Programs, by Rebecca Ray, Patti P. Phillips, Jack J. Phillips, and Hope Nicholas. This new book provides up-to-date research and practical guidance on evaluating leadership development programs. Most importantly, this book includes a dozen new relatable case studies demonstrating how to carry out the evaluation process effectively and showing others what is possible.

“This is a critically important time for organizations to have great leaders, “explained Rebecca Ray, Ph.D., Executive Vice President Human Capital, The Conference Board. “For those charged with developing the leaders who are so critical to the organization’s success, their moment has come. We hope this book lays the foundation for determining and articulating the business impact of leadership development efforts.”

“Our colleague and friend, Rebecca Ray, brings an enlightened perspective of where leadership stands, especially after the pandemic,” said Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D., Chairman of ROI Institute. “Her knowledge and research set the stage for the rest of the book by emphasizing how important leadership development is and how it has evolved.”

“Developing leadership skills is crucial for organizational success. However, executives who fund these initiatives often fail to understand their business value.” added Patti P. Phillips, Ph.D., CEO of ROI Institute. “To make this dilemma even more confusing, several myths and mysteries linger about measuring leadership development to the ROI level. Some think that ROI is inappropriate or impossible, too complicated or difficult, or takes too much time and resources. These myths are dispelled in this new book.”

According to Jack Phillips, “Key executives, sponsors, and funders want leadership development to deliver value in terms that they appreciate and understand. Some want to know if leadership development is an efficient use of the funds allocated, and this requires the concept of ROI. The ROI Methodology has evolved into the most used evaluation system in the world, as it focuses on measuring the outcomes of leadership development at five levels: reaction, learning, application, impact, and ROI.”

“This book provides a comprehensive, how-to summary that describes the methodology and how it is being used in the leadership development field, serving as a basic primer on how to measure leadership development through all five levels of outcomes,” added Patti Phillips.

Proving the Value of Leadership Development provides 12 new case studies representing professionals and global organizations stepping up to the challenge of showing the value of leadership development–We applaud their efforts!” said Hope Nicholas, Director of Publications at ROI Institute. “These case studies underscore that leadership development evaluation knows no boundaries when it comes to delivering value.”

Developing evaluation studies showing the ROI in leadership development is becoming much more popular. In our ROI Certification, where individuals select a project to evaluate all the way through to ROI, leadership development is the number one topic chosen. Out of an average group of 20 participants, there will be two or three individuals who want to measure leadership development. Because of this, hundreds of leadership development case studies have been completed for those who attain ROI Certification.

This is our fourth book on measuring the success of leadership development. It started with our first book in 2004, The Leadership Scorecard (Elsevier). This book brought attention to evaluating leadership development all the way to impact and ROI. Our second book, Measuring Leadership Development: Quantify Your Program’s Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance, provided more detail on the methodology and was published by McGraw-Hill in 2012. Next, we wrote a book with our number one publishing partner, the Association for Talent Development, in 2015. Measuring the Success of Leadership Development: A Step-by-Step Guide for Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI, contained more case studies. This new book goes to a broader audience and highlights more case studies. It also updates the methodology with its latest improvements. Collectively, these four books have made a significant difference in the accountability of leadership development.

Purchase your copy through ROI Institute and receive 10% off the retail price and free shipping within the United States of America when you use the code ROISHIP. For bulk quantities, a significant discount is available. Contact for more details.

For additional information about this book, the ROI Methodology, ROI Certification, or ROI Institute services, please contact

About ROI Institute
ROI Institute, Inc., founded in 1992 as a service-driven organization, assists professionals in improving programs and processes using the ROI Methodology® developed by Dr. Jack J. Phillips and Dr. Patti P. Phillips. This Methodology is the global leader in measurement and evaluation, including the use of return on investment (ROI) in non-traditional applications. ROI Institute regularly offers workshops, provides consulting services, publishes books and case studies through major publishers, and conducts research on the use of measurement and ROI. ROI Institute is the leading source of content, tools, and services in measurement, evaluation, and analytics. Working with more than one hundred ROI consultants, ROI Institute applies the ROI Methodology in 20 fields in over 70 countries. ROI Institute authors have written or edited over 100 books, translated into 38 languages. Organizations build internal capability with the help of ROI Institute and its ROI Certification process. By successfully completing this process, individuals are awarded the Certified ROI Professional® (CRP) designation, which is respected by executives in organizations worldwide. For more information on ROI Institute, please contact or visit

ROI Institute®, ROI Methodology®, Certified ROI Professional®, and ROI Certification® are registered trademarks owned by ROI Institute, Inc. and are used by others only with written permission of Jack and Patti Phillips.