Value for Money Case Studies


This book is a culmination of ROI case studies representing the use of the Phillips ROI Methodology in a broad range of applications in the human resources, learning and development, and performance improvement fields. Each case follows the methodology and describes in detail how it was used to show the value of a particular project, program, or initiative.

The ROI Methodology is now the most used evaluation system in the world, adopted by over 5,000 organizations in more than 70 countries. Anyone who is struggling to show the value of their programs and projects should review the case studies in this book.



Some of the real-world topics detailed in this book are stress management, effective meeting skills, safety and health initiatives, leadership development, employee engagement, performance improvement, selling skills, recruiting, onboarding, management development, eLearning, machine operator training, organizational development, compliance, coaching, consulting, and more!

This collection of ROI case studies represents the use of the ROI Methodology in a broad range of applications in the human resources, learning and development, and performance improvement fields. Each case follows the methodology and describes in detail how it was used to show the value of a particular project, program, or initiative.

The case studies selected met specific guidelines. Each case study includes data that can be converted to monetary values so that ROI can be calculated. The selected case studies provide a method of isolating the effects of the program. The isolation step is necessary the true value of a program. The isolation techniques used in this book include control groups, trend line analysis, forecasting, and participant and manager estimates.

Published by Business Writers Exchange Press in 2018

ISBN-10: 0-9790285-5-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-9790285-5-7