ROI for Technology Projects


This is the first book of its kind to measure and deliver value for technology projects. Written by two experienced authors in the field, this practical and well-structured book provides a framework and evaluation methodology that can ensure greater success in mobilizing technology initiatives. (2007)



By D. Brian Roulstone and Jack J. Phillips

This is the first book focusing on the ROI for technology investments written by a technology executive for technology decision makers with the support and guidance of the foremost authority in the discipline of return on investment. This book leverages the talents of both authors to provide a framework and methodology that can ensure greater success in mobilizing technology initiatives. There is no other book on the market that specifically addresses the critical need to prove ROI on resource intensive technology projects with a time-tested and industry leading methodology. To date, most ROI books have focused in the areas of human performance, training, marketing, and other human capital related disciplines

With increased scrutiny of technology spending by the most complex organizations in the world, ROI has become one of the most challenging and intriguing issues facing the information technology sector. The profession requires a rational, logical approach that can be simplified and implemented within the current budget constraints and resources of the organization. 

At the same time, executives and IT professionals need to have their projects measured with a balanced perspective. While the ROI itself is very important, it’s also important to capture intangibles related to the project, as well as information about application and implementation of the project. Even earlier in the cycle, it’s important to capture reaction to the technology and the extent to which individuals have learned the technology. Together, these data sets represent a balanced profile of success, with ROI at the pinnacle.

Published by Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann in 2007

ISBN-10: 0750685883
ISBN-13: 978-0750685887