Proving the Value of Leadership Development: Case Studies from Top Leadership Development Programs


Proving the Value of Leadership Development: Case Studies from Top Leadership Development Programs is the ultimate guide for individuals involved in leadership development. Through recent research, up-to-date how-to instruction, numerous examples, and 12 new case studies, this book details how to prove the value of leadership programs using the ROI Methodology. Readers will learn step-by-step how to connect the success of leadership directly to key business impact measures and show the tangible and intangible value of their program outcomes.



Proving the Value of Leadership Development: Case Studies from Top Leadership Development Programs

Developing leadership skills is crucial for organizational success. However, executives who fund these initiatives often fail to understand their business value. Adding to this dilemma, many myths and mysteries linger about measuring leadership development to the ROI level, with many in the field thinking it’s inappropriate. To address this issue, leadership development professionals must demonstrate leadership initiatives’ impact and return on investment and prove their success—Proving the Value of Leadership Development: Case Studies from Top Leadership Development Programs shows you how!

This new book, by Rebecca Ray, Patti P. Phillips, Jack J. Phillips, and Hope Nicholas, provides up-to-date research and practical guidance on assessing leadership development programs. The book also includes relatable case studies demonstrating how to carry out the evaluation process effectively.

This book is organized into three parts:

Part I explores the trends in leadership development, presenting an enlightened perspective of the importance of leadership development, how it has evolved over time, and where it stands after the pandemic.

Part II explains the ROI Methodology process, guiding the reader step-by-step. This excellent five-chapter summary of the ROI Methodology shows how the approach works with enough detail and examples to begin using it in your current work environment.

Part III, the heart of the book, presents 12 new global case studies that are understandable, relevant, and easy to read with specific techniques, examples, and explanations of the ROI Methodology in action.

Proving the Value of Leadership Development is the go-to resource for anyone involved in leadership development and an outstanding reference for seeing what others have done and what is possible.