Media Contact:
Melissa Brown, Director of Partnerships
ROI Institute, Inc.
2803 Greystone Commercial Boulevard, Ste. 16
Birmingham, AL 35242
Office: (205) 678-8101

Press Release
Birmingham, AL

Patti and Jack Phillips Named ISA Thought Leader Award Winners

Birmingham, Alabama—February 27, 2024. ISA, the Association of Learning Providers, has announced that Patti P. Phillips, Ph.D., and Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D., will receive the 2024 Thought Leader Award at their annual business retreat in Phoenix, Arizona.

ISA is a well-respected association that connects organizations delivering all types of learning and development globally. It has a rich history, with many pioneers in this industry founding ISA several years ago. The ISA Thought Leader Award recognizes those individuals whose body of work in support of work-related learning and performance has significantly influenced people and organizations in sustainable impact. Through advocacy of ideas and commitment to actions, the recipients not only positively influence clients and industry colleagues but also facilitate respect for the learning and performance industry overall.

Patti and Jack will receive the award on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in Phoenix, Arizona. Previous award winners include Stephen R. Covey, Ken Blanchard, Peter Senge, and Rosabeth Moss Kanter, among others.

“We are so honored to receive this special award from such a wonderful group of people,” said Patti P. Phillips, Ph.D., CEO of ROI Institute. “ISA has not only a great reputation but high standards, and we are humbled by this recognition among many of our peers.”

“This award was a surprise to us, and that’s the best kind of recognition,” added Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D., chairman of ROI Institute. “We are following many other great recipients of this award over the years, and this recognition underscores our efforts to add value to this important professional career of learning and development.”

For more information about ISA and this award, please contact

About ROI Institute®

ROI Institute, Inc. assists professionals in improving programs and processes using the ROI Methodology® developed by Dr. Jack J. Phillips and Dr. Patti P. Phillips. This Methodology is the global leader in measurement and evaluation, including the use of return on investment in non-traditional applications. ROI Institute regularly offers workshops, provides consulting, publishes books and case studies through major publishers, and conducts research on the use of measurement and ROI. Working with more than one hundred ROI consultants, ROI Institute applies the ROI Methodology in 20 fields in over 70 countries. ROI Institute authors have written or edited over 100 books, translated into 38 languages. Organizations build internal capability with the help of ROI Institute and its ROI Certification process. For more information on ROI Institute, please contact or visit

ROI Institute®, ROI Methodology®, Certified ROI Professional®, and ROI Certification® are registered trademarks owned by ROI Institute, Inc. and are used by others only with written permission of Jack and Patti Phillips.