Birmingham, AL – Dr. Jack J. Phillips, chairman of the ROI Institute, was recently awarded a Brand Personality Award from The BrandLaureate in conjunction with the Asia Pacific Brands Foundation (APBF).

The Asia Pacific Brands Foundation is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2005 with the mission of developing brands in a variety of business areas. The APBF is led by its Patron, H.E. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and a board of governors comprised of 28 men and women.

According to The BrandLaureate, “Brands are not confined to just products and services but include individuals. Successful individuals who have contributed greatly to the growth of a business, brand or an industry are personalities in their own right. The Asia Pacific Brands Foundation (APBF) takes cognizance of the role of these individuals and their contributions to society. The BrandLaureate Brand Personality Awards is initiated to honor these successful individuals whose contributions have helped the nation to grow, enhanced the well being of society and make our lives more comfortable.”

Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D., is a world-renowned expert on accountability, measurement, and evaluation. Dr. Phillips provides consulting services for Fortune 500 companies and major global organizations. The author or editor of more than 100 books, Dr. Phillips conducts workshops and makes conference presentations throughout the world.

“It is a great honor to receive this award,” Dr. Phillips said. “The work that the APFB and The BrandLaureate have done in Malaysia is remarkable, and it means so much to me to recognized by these great organizations.”

Dr. Phillips was honored alongside Christiane Amanpour, Jamie Oliver, Kate Moss, and other notable figures. His expertise in measurement and evaluation is based on more than 27 years of corporate experience in the aerospace, textile, metals, construction materials, and banking industries. This background led Dr. Phillips to develop the ROI Methodology¾a revolutionary process that provides bottom-line figures and accountability for all types of learning, performance improvement, human resources, technology, and public policy programs.

For a full list of award winners, please click here.

About ROI Institute

ROI Institute, Inc., founded in 1992 as a service-driven organization, assists professionals in improving programs and processes using the ROI Methodology™ developed by Dr. Jack J. Phillips and Dr. Patti P. Phillips. This Methodology is the global leader in measurement and evaluation including the use of return on investment (ROI) in non-traditional applications. ROI Institute regularly offers workshops, provides consulting services, publishes books and case studies, and conducts research on the use of measurement and ROI. This makes ROI Institute the leading source of content, tools, and services in measurement, evaluation, and analytics. Working with more than one hundred ROI consultants, ROI Institute applies the ROI Methodology in 20 fields in over 65 countries. ROI Institute authors have written or edited over 100 books, translated into 38 languages. Organizations build internal capability with the help of ROI Institute and its ROI Certification process.  By successfully completing this process, individuals are awarded the Certified ROI Professional (CRP) designation, which is respected by executives in organizations worldwide. For more information on ROI Institute, please contact or visit