Presented by Patti Phillips

Hosted by HRDQ-U

In today’s cost-conscious business world, executives are asking to see the relationship between training and results. Because without a return on investment (ROI), management buy-in and training budgets are in jeopardy. And that has training professionals everywhere scrambling to prove the value and impact their initiatives bring to the organization.

If the thought of ROI measurement has your head spinning, this webinar will help you to make sense of it all. You’ll learn what ROI is—what it is not—and how you can move forward to implement it in your organization. Presented by world-renowned expert Dr. Patti Phillips, she’ll introduce you to the ROI Methodology and show you how to connect your programs, processes, and projects to results in a clear, precise, and logical way that will satisfy even the most demanding C-suite executives.

Register for this Webinar

Who Should Attend

  • Human resources professionals and consultants
  • Training and development managers and directors
  • OD professionals
  • Managers and executives
  • Training consultants

Participants Will Learn

  • Five levels of evaluation that serve as the foundation of the ROI Methodology
  • Six types of results that represent the chain of impact
  • Ten steps of the ROI Methodology process model
  • Twelve guiding principles that support the ROI Methodology

Dr. Patti Phillips

A recognized expert in measurement and evaluation, Dr. Patti Phillips is president & CEO of the ROI Institute. She serves as faculty for the UN System Staff College, a Professor of Practice for The University of Southern Mississippi’s Ph.D. in Human Capital Development program, and a Principal Research Fellow at The Conference Board. Patti is an award-winning author and editor of numerous books and articles, including The Bottomline on ROI 3rd Edition, Ten-Steps to Successful Business Alignment, Measuring ROI in Learning and Development: Global Case Studies, and Measuring the Success of Coaching. Dr. Phillips’ clients include Fortune 500 companies, federal and state government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.

About HRDQ-U

HRDQ-U is a free learning community for trainers and facilitators, coaches and consultants, organization development professionals, managers, supervisors and leaders; really anyone who shares a passion for soft-skills training and performance improvement. We bring exciting content to you through live and on-demand webinars from subject matter experts and thought leaders to help you explore new ideas, gain industry insight, and improve people skills in your workplace. Join us each week for a fantastic hour of learning.